Friday, August 7, 2020

Story Time: "I Shot a Rabbit"

A while back I went to a youth ministry conference in Georgia with the rest of the youth staff.  On the last night, I had warned my hubby that worship would probably go long and not to be worried if I didn't call (because all those youth pastors in one place had to out-worship each other. :))  Anyways, I snuck out from the conference around 10p to call and say goodnight.  He told me he would be up for a while and to still call when we left.  So, I did.  Around midnight, we finally left the conference and headed to dinner at TGI Friday's.  I called the hubs again.  This time, he told me he was on the porch doing his quiet time and said to go ahead and call when we left.  I said, 'are you sure?  It will probably be pretty late?' and he said even if he was asleep, he would like me to call.  (I know, so sweet, right?)  
So I call when we leave around 1:30a.  No answer.  No big deal.  If you know David you know he could sleep through a mortar attack on our home.  After a few minutes, I figure I will try one more time.  This time he answers, and he sounds sleepy.  I say, 'did I wake you?' He hesitantly says, 'Yes'.  I say, 'Oh, I'm sorry, I will let you get back to bed'.  We say good night and that's that.  A few minutes later I get a call back.   
Me: Hello?
Hubs: Hey Babe.  (he sounds weird)
Me: Hey. What's up?
Hubs: I lied to you.  I don't know why, but I lied.  I feel so bad.  I am really sorry.  It is so dumb... 
At this point, he goes on and on about lying to me and my heart begins to race.  I am driving a car with my boss, his wife, his kids, and my co-worker and I am thinking my husband is about to confess some deep hidden sin.  Finally I interrupt.  'What is it?!  Just tell me?' and I brace myself for impact.  From the other side of the phone I hear a sheepish, 'I shot a rabbit.
Me: What?
Hubs: I shot a rabbit
Relief and confusion sweep over me.
Me: What are you talking about?
Hubs: I was sitting on the porch doing my quiet time and I saw a rabbit down by the barn.  I thought I would get my gun and take a shot.  I never thought I would actually get it, but I did.  When you called I was watching a youtube video on how to skin it.  I don't know why, but I thought you'd be mad, so I lied.   
At this point I begin to laugh at the randomness of it all.  I tell him that he shouldn't have lied, but as far as lies go, I was glad it was just about a rabbit.   
Now, when one of us does something that we don't want to necessarily tell the other person, like when I lost my debit and credit card in the same week and was at the bank trying to secretly replace them and David called to ask what I was doing, we simply say 'I shot a rabbit.'
Dear David,
We're having rabbit stew tonight.  
Your relieved wife

Tip #5: Meet in the Middle

This tip comes from the man Himself, Jesus. (Like many of these tips, it was pointed out to us by our amazing pre-marriage counselor.) It ...